We are pleased to welcome you to the 5th Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education conference to be held in Potsdam, funded by the German Research Foundation.
Migration and education continue to be hotly-debated, intertwined topics in the midst of current global crises including on-going wars and conflicts, rising authoritarianism, and climate change. To address these global challenges there is a need for collective efforts. Therefore, the theme for our fifth conference is “Emphasizing Collective Research, Action, and Communication”.
Science-based solutions to address educational and societal challenges requires research that is collaborative, reaching across disciplines, methodologies, theoretical approaches, and geographical regions. Collective actions are also needed where research teams that partner with other researchers, with communities, and other important stakeholders, promote a dynamic where science and communities inform one another. Finally, science communication through various modalities and platforms is needed to make visible our collective knowledge to the broader public as well as policy makers.
As in our previous conferences, we focus on how cultural and migration-related diversity contributes to young people’s educational experiences and outcomes. Our invited program reflects scholars and community-based actors that represent a wide range of expertise. Bringing diverse groups together can stimulate more creativity, more questioning, and critiquing, which generates more innovative thinking regarding how best to promote strong education for all youth. Therefore, we welcome submissions from scholars of various disciplines, including education, psychology, sociology, migration studies, and related fields.
We look forward to seeing you in Potsdam!
Linda Juang, Maja K. Schachner, and the CDME Organizing Team